

Okay so I have a serious obsession with glitter (and I don't care who thinks glitter is 'tacky') and I also have a serious obsession with Jeffrey Campbell shoes. No doubt my favorite shoe by Jeffrey Campbell right now is LITA (which comes in an array of glittery hotness). It's also a rare sight to see me wearing anything other than heels, so needless to say I would probably kill my firstborn for a collection of LITA - in all colors, shades & textures...

...My favorite colors of the original LITA via solestruck.com and in case you didn't already know, besides bright pinks and glitter/metallics... I mostly like black. Although, who can resist a little animal print sometimes? I mean, really? My personal favorite has got to be anything like leopard or cheetah print.

...check the fuchsia toe on CHEETAH FUCHSIA... that is so bitchin'. What else is bitchin' is the white shag LITA. Yes, White fucking shag. It also comes in a furrier brown - but I'm quite partial to white shag myself...

We could all use a little SHAG in our lives

I personally think everyone should own at least one pair of the LITA - if not ten, or twelve. I'm starting my collection tomorrow... Don't forget to visit jeffreycampbellshoes.com/JC blog

- the style whore

*Photos via solestruck.com. Also check out solestruck blog