
I'd rather go naked than wear fake Chanel.

'I'd Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fake Chanel' editorial in Haper's Bazaar 2007 featuring Courtney Love & Karl Lagerfeld

Tonight, I went out to grab a coffee and in a two block radius I saw not one, not two, not even three, but four obviously knocked off handbags (Chanel and Louis for those of you curious).

"replica" Chanel - or in other words fake

Now, here's the thing... back in high school I did own two fake handbags, but then I came across the Harper's Bazaar campaign FAKES ARE NEVER IN FASHION and to be honest I had no idea that fake or 'replica' handbags, perfumes, sunglasses ect all contribute to the works of human trafficking and are usually linked with drug & weapon trafficking and terrorist organizations.

Harper's Bazaar Luxury Report 2009

To be honest, I don't think I was alone. I first heard of the campaign in 2007 and since tossed my fakes and vowed to never purchase another (mind you at the time I didn't have the respect for the industry I do now - I loved fashion, but was more concerned with being cool... ahh high school). Now I'm an avid activist against the manufacturing, selling and purchasing of fake or 'replicated' designer goods.

In my personal opinion - these design labels are as high-end, expensive and exclusive as they are for a reason... they manufacture top notch, top quality products. If the people replicating these goods had any of the creativity, skills and craftsmanship that the designers and design labels they rip off have, well, they would have made their own successful, high-end labels...and so those who can't do, fake.

Courtney Love in Harper's Bazaar 'I'd Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fake Chanel', 2007

Seriously, if you can't afford the classic Chanel bag you've always wanted - opt for something similar, there are tons of adorable Chanel-inspired handbags you can purchase without supporting counterfeit goods.

Please join the fight against counterfeit goods, you can check out Harper's Bazaar Fakes are Never in Fashion campaign to learn more and/or report fakes to THE IACC (International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition) and never give in to counterfeit goods because fakes are never in fashion.