

In less than three years of existence, Hopeless Lingerie has managed to set a new standard in creativity and style. Taking inspiration from such diverse places as B-grade horror films, architecture and modern art, designer Gabrielle Adamidis with the help of her sister Dominique have established a strong following through innovative designs. Combining vintage aesthetics with modern comfort and convenience, Hopeless create pieces that aim to make women feel sexy and beautiful. Hopeless Lingerie can be worn on summer nights or just for special occasions, and it will take just one viewing for you to fall hopelessly in love.

Personally, I think under-garments are just as (if not more in some cases *wink*) important as outer-garments. While doing my daily blog check, I was reading BLEACHBLACK and recently Valerie posted a picture of Hopeless Lingerie... so of course, I cruised on over to Hopeless Lingerie to check out the selection. When they say "just one viewing for you to fall hopelessly in love.", they are not lying. The vintage-inspired silk garments are made in Australia and are available on Etsy for us North Americans and on Big Cartel for those of you down under. Here's a few of my must-haves from two of the collections...

...Those adorable headband/bows are also made by Hopeless and available for purchase...

I'm currently visiting my home town of Lake of the Woods in Ontario, I've taken some great photographs and I may do an entry on my home town either on here or @†attered†ights.

- the style whore

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