Personally, I think under-garments are just as (if not more in some cases *wink*) important as outer-garments. While doing my daily blog check, I was reading BLEACHBLACK and recently Valerie posted a picture of Hopeless Lingerie... so of course, I cruised on over to Hopeless Lingerie to check out the selection. When they say "just one viewing for you to fall hopelessly in love.", they are not lying. The vintage-inspired silk garments are made in Australia and are available on Etsy for us North Americans and on Big Cartel for those of you down under. Here's a few of my must-haves from two of the collections...

I'm currently visiting my home town of Lake of the Woods in Ontario, I've taken some great photographs and I may do an entry on my home town either on here or @†attered†ights.
- the style whore
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