My personal favorites from Pamela Love's SS11 collection. I have been obsessed with Pamela Love since I watched her video on one of my favorite sites for inspiration, StyleLikeU a few months ago...
"Sometimes I wish I hand more fingers, just so I could fit more rings on my hands"
Well said, Pamela. Isn't she so fucking amazing? Her inspirations of Native American and Mayan art and culture is something I love to see, especially in jewelry. I'm quite obsessed with jewelry myself - arms full of bangles, fingers full of rings... I love the aesthetic of jewelry can be a style in itself. Always gives a little something more to an outfit.

I would love to post my favorite pieces from Pamela Love's Womens Classic collection, but I'm in love with just about every single piece. I'd highly recommend checking out that collection as well as the SS11. Along with her individual collections Pamela has also done a lot of collaborations, my personal favorites being WTWTA - a collaboration with Opening Ceremony inspired by the movie 'Where the Wild Things Are'...

If you haven't already heard of Pamela Love's designs, check them out... now. No, seriously go to her website right now.

- the style whore