Regardless of what anyone thinks, I fucking love Ke$ha. Believe it or not, I have since high school and remember blaring her first CD in my 2003 Grand Am and smoking cigarettes and joints before class at the beginning of my senior year... Anyway, she's trashy, she's filthy, she's raw and she's fucking awesome. We definitely share the same love for glitter and quite frankly, her styles a serious inspiration for me.
Ke$ha has been doing it since she first came out, but the now big 'trend' in hair accessories is... yeah, you probably saw this one coming... feather hair extensions.

I think they're pretty cool and have been looking into getting some myself. I'm not a huge fan of the bright color ones (except for maybe one small colored feather; that'd be dope...) but I do think it looks super cool when matched properly with the persons hair color. Bonus? they're pretty cheap. I know a lot of girls who do it on the side (if you live in Vancouver, check out Wreck Beach by UBC for some great ones!) and I think some salons do it too, although I'm not sure which ones (I haven't done much research there...) usually around $15 for a section of three. I think it's a cool, hippie, summer look and it's cheap - and I am all about that shit. If I get some done, I'll probably post a photo here or on my personal blog @tatteredtights.
Sorry for the short, delayed post but it's summer and I'm a busy little party bee... I promise to be more diligent ;)
- the style whore